Do not let internal JDK zlib symbols leak out of fastdebug

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Mar 1 14:44:09 UTC 2013

On 28/02/2013 16:11, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at 
> <mailto:Alan.Bateman at>> wrote:
>     The update to make/java/zip/Makefile looks good to me, we should
>     have done it a long time ago. I assume you are pushing ahead on
>     this because you want to push it to jdk7u-dev (as it's not
>     interesting to jdk8 now because of the new build).
> Yes I'm hoping you push this fix to jdk7u.
> Also, I'm not sure that the new build system will not try to be 
> bug-for-bug compatible with the old one and will reintroduce the problem.
The old build is on life-support, I don't know how long it will before 
it will terminally break or be removed. In any case, I wouldn't expect 
anyone to decide to change it to not use the map files.

>     The exciting new exception detail change looks okay to me too
>     although it is hard to read. It wasn't immediately obvious to me
>     why stddef.h was needed and we'd need to make sure that is okay on
>     all platforms.
> It's hard to find something more standard than stddef.h.
It's hard to find something as non-standard as Windows. My point was we 
just need to double check that this builds okay on Windows, which is does.

So I think you are all set on this one.


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