New build system problems

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Wed Mar 6 00:52:30 UTC 2013

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 4:36 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at>wrote:

>>>  I disagree.  The submitter should be responsible for the "right" amount
>> of
>> upfront testing.
> Now you are confusing me :) You disagree but say the responsibility is on
> the submitter. Well I certainly agree with that! Our difference is the
> notion of "right". I maintain that for a change to the build instructions
> of a given platform, then a test build on that platform is the absolute
> minimum upfront testing that must be done.
The responsibility is on the submitter to be "responsible".  But there's a
limit to the certainty of correctness you can expect from the submitter.
 The integration process (including gatekeepers) needs to help out as well.
- erroneous commits only cause lost work for the submitter and the
- erroneous commits can be trivially rolled back
- testing is highly automated
then we can have a more productive and pleasant developer experience for

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