Update Re: new infra? Fwd: Re: Request to build security jars
Weijun Wang
weijun.wang at oracle.com
Thu Mar 7 02:07:04 UTC 2013
[ Copying security-dev and build-dev ]
I've filed one at
and please review the fix at
On 3/7/13 9:56 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
> On 3/7/2013 9:46 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> This class does not exist anymore after
>> 8006182: cleanup to use java.util.Base64 in java security component,
>> providers, and regression tests
>> It was inside JarSigner.java.
>> The references to it in jdk/make/common/Releases.gmk should be removed.
>> I'll file a bug and fix it. Or, if you are urgent, you can fix it in
>> master with Dave.
> Not a urgent to me as the jars has been signed. Please file a bug.
> Xuelei
>> -Max
>> On 3/7/13 8:56 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>> Max, do you know where comes the
>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/JarBASE64Encoder.class? It looks weird to
>>> me, I cannot find the java file in the repository.
>>> On 3/7/2013 5:15 AM, David Katleman wrote:
>>>> Xuelei,
>>>> Update on where we're at.
>>>> I've made a bit of progress working around JDK-8009517 (Werror),
>>>> ultimately updating 5 Makefiles to get past new warnings
>>>> At this point I'm stuck on this error, can't find JarBASE64Encoder.class
>>>> http://rehudson.us.oracle.com:8080/hudson/view/JDK8/view/Nightly/view/tl/job/jdk8_tl-2-build-solaris-sparc-product/415/console
>>>>> META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
>>>>> META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService
>>>>> sun/tools/asm sun/tools/jar sun/tools/java sun/tools/javac
>>>>> sun/tools/jcmd sun/tools/jps sun/tools/jstat sun/tools/jstatd
>>>>> sun/tools/native2ascii sun/tools/serialver sun/tools/tree
>>>>> sun/tools/util sun/security/tools/jarsigner/JarBASE64Encoder.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Main.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/JarSignerParameters.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources_ja.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources_zh_CN.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/SignatureFile\$Block.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/SignatureFile.class
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TimestampedSigner.class sun/rmi/rmic
>>>>> sun/applet sun/jvmstat com/sun/javadoc com/sun/jdi com/sun/jarsigner
>>>>> com/sun/source com/sun/tools/classfile com/sun/tools/doclets
>>>>> com/sun/tools/doclint com/sun/tools/example/debug/expr
>>>>> com/sun/tools/example/debug/t
>>>>> ty com/sun/tools/extcheck com/sun/tools/hat com/sun/tools/javac
>>>>> com/sun/tools/javadoc com/sun/tools/javah com/sun/tools/javap
>>>>> com/sun/tools/jdeps com/sun/tools/corba com/sun/tools/internal/xjc
>>>>> com/sun/tools/internal/ws
>>>>> META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.internal.ws.wscompile.Plugin
>>>>> META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.Plugin
>>>>> com/sun/istack/internal/tools com/sun/tools/internal/jxc/ap
>>>>> com/sun/tools/internal/ws/wscompile/plugin/at_generated
>>>>> com/sun/codemodel com/sun/tools/internal/jxc
>>>>> com/sun/xml/internal/rngom com/sun/xml/internal/xsom
>>>>> org/relaxng/datatype com/sun/xml/internal/dtdparser
>>>>> com/sun/tools/jdi com/sun/tools/script/shell
>>>>> META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider
>>>>> com/sun/tools/attach sun/tools/attach sun/tools/jstack
>>>>> sun/tools/jinfo sun/tools/jmap -J-XX:-PrintVMOptions
>>>>> -J-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -J-XX:-LogVMOutput -J-client
>>>>> -J-Xmx512m -J-Xms512m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=160m
>>>>> sun/security/tools/jarsigner/JarBASE64Encoder.class : no such file
>>>>> or directory
>>>>> gnumake[2]: *** [initial-image-jdk] Error 1
>>>>> gnumake[2]: Leaving directory
>>>>> `/export/HUDSON/workspace/jdk8_tl-2-build-solaris-sparc-product/jdk8_tl/jdk/make'
>>>>> gnumake[1]: *** [jdk-build] Error 2
>>>>> gnumake[1]: Leaving directory
>>>>> `/export/HUDSON/workspace/jdk8_tl-2-build-solaris-sparc-product/jdk8_tl'
>>>>> gnumake: *** [build_product_image] Error 2
>>>>> gmkexitcode=2
>>>>> + [ 2 -ne 0 ]
>>>>> + errorExit gnumake failed, return code 2
>>>>> + echo ERROR: gnumake failed, return code 2
>>>>> ERROR: gnumake failed, return code 2
>>>>> + exit 3
>>>> Is this related to your changes for JDK-7030966?
>>>> hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/tl/jdk/rev/def2e05299b7
>>> Yes.
>>>> Even though the build didn't complete, the security jars we need are
>>>> built at this point, but are they complete?
>>>> Is more added to them after the above portion of the build?
>>> I think they should be complete. While testing, I used to do a partial
>>> build to generate the unsigned jars in the directory of
>>> make/javax/crypto. etc., and then sign them at the same directories. We
>>> should not add more to the jars in other make files.
>>> Xuelei
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Dave
>>>> On 3/5/2013 9:26 AM, David Katleman wrote:
>>>>> Brad,
>>>>> I'm about to generate signed jars for Xuelei
>>>>>> I integrated the feature of JEP 115/JDK-7030966 into JDK 8 workspace,
>>>>>> need to build the security jars, sunpkcs11.jar, jce.jar and
>>>>>> sunjce_provider.jar.
>>>>> Has build problem been resolved with new infra yet? I don't recall
>>>>> seeing anything beyond this mention 6 weeks ago.
>>>>> Is there a tracking CR?
>>>>>> On 1/20/2013 1:43 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
>>>>>>> What I *THOUGHT* was originally said was that the JCE build
>>>>>>> environment would not be changing significantly, and the build team
>>>>>>> would work with us to create the JCE makefiles before moving JCE
>>>>>>> builds to the new system. What was done was the intermediate build
>>>>>>> steps were done now. Just the images builds supposedly have the same
>>>>>>> content. All the conversations were done in the build-dev alias (no
>>>>>>> mention on security-dev). I haven't been following build-dev
>>>>>>> closely, so I'm a behind the curve here.
>>>>>>> After Kelly's presentation, I ran a build against the jdk8/build
>>>>>>> workspace last week, and noted several problems that affect JCE
>>>>>>> builds. Raw classes are put into classes subdirectory and are not
>>>>>>> removed, and the images build target is required to copy prebuilt
>>>>>>> signed jars. I didn't look at the final rt.jar to see if duplicate
>>>>>>> classes exist. (that is, in both rt.jar/jce.jar) I did confirm that
>>>>>>> at least the JCE tests do pass using the images build.
>>>>>>> I've barely had time to finish the SecureRandom work and AEAD
>>>>>>> review, and just got hit with an urgent task. I'm planning to build
>>>>>>> with NEWBUILD=false to at least get my changes in. For the required
>>>>>>> JCE binary build, David is going to build TL nightly with the false
>>>>>>> also so I can do my signed jars putback. When we get this done,
>>>>>>> we'll look into adjusting/verifying the new build environment for
>>>>>>> JCE.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>> Subject: Re: Request to build security jars
>>>>> Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2013 16:51:58 -0800
>>>>> From: David Katleman <david.katleman at oracle.com>
>>>>> Organization: Oracle Corporation
>>>>> To: Xuelei Fan <xuelei.fan at oracle.com>
>>>>> CC: Tristan Yan <tristan.yan at oracle.com>, "christine.lu at oracle.com"
>>>>> <christine.lu at oracle.com>, "vita-re_us_grp at oracle.com"
>>>>> <vita-re_us_grp at oracle.com>
>>>>> On 3/4/2013 4:37 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>>>> Did the jar get signed? Where can I get them?
>>>>> jdk8-tl builds were turned off over the weekend, from what I can tell,
>>>>> to give priority to the ER that was being worked.
>>>>> jdk8-tl nightly should start shortly (5pm), and I'll be able to sign
>>>>> the jars after the build completes
>>>>>> Tonight is better to me. I am afraid the nightly testing tonight and
>>>>>> weekend may get some failures if I cannot integrate the jars in time.
>>>>> Testing shouldn't have been a problem over the weekend since the
>>>>> jdk8-tl
>>>>> builds weren't running.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> On 3/2/2013 9:08 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mar 2, 2013, at 0:51, "David Katleman (Oracle)"
>>>>>>> <david.katleman at oracle.com <mailto:david.katleman at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Xuelei,
>>>>>>>> Happened to be online doing the weekly status.
>>>>>>>> Your integration was into jdk8-tl, which is correct, but it occurred
>>>>>>>> this morning, well after last night's TL nightly had started.
>>>>>>>> Tonight's tl nightly will build the jars you need, and then we'll
>>>>>>>> sign
>>>>>>>> them and send them back to you. Do you need them tonight or will
>>>>>>>> first thing Monday AM work as well?
>>>>>>> Tonight is better to me. I am afraid the nightly testing tonight and
>>>>>>> weekend may get some failures if I cannot integrate the jars in time.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Xuelei
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>> On 3/1/2013 3:14 AM, Tristan Yan wrote:
>>>>>>>>> We do, jdk8 build happens every day.
>>>>>>>>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:13 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 3/1/2013 7:09 PM, Tristan Yan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> We have the regular nightly base jdk8 build, which build
>>>>>>>>>>> result is
>>>>>>>>>>> in http://rehudson.us.oracle.com/nightlyws/jdk8/latest/, but
>>>>>>>>>>> it starts
>>>>>>>>>>> at 0:0 every day, you probably miss today's build.
>>>>>>>>>> It's intended to miss today's build, as we need the new jars
>>>>>>>>>> built by
>>>>>>>>>> the RE team.
>>>>>>>>>> Do you have regular nightly at Friday night and weekend?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Xuelei
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 6:59 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 3/1/2013 6:54 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Christine,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you help to build the jars? I cannot wait for next Monday,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dave is out of office, and will be back next Monday.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise, we may run into test failures in the nightly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> testing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xuelei
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Request to build security jars
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 18:41:54 +0800
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Xuelei Fan <xuelei.fan at oracle.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:xuelei.fan at oracle.com> <mailto:xuelei.fan at oracle.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: David Katleman <david.katleman at oracle.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:david.katleman at oracle.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:david.katleman at oracle.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I integrated the feature of JEP 115/JDK-7030966 into JDK 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> workspace,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to build the security jars, sunpkcs11.jar, jce.jar and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sunjce_provider.jar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> changeset:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/tl/jdk/rev/def2e05299b7
>>>>>>>>>>>>> workspace: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/tl/jdk
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please let me know when the jars available.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xuelei
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