Feedback on the New Build System

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at
Thu Mar 14 17:28:02 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> On 03/14/2013 08:58 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> > On 14/03/2013 01:26, David Holmes wrote:
> >> :
> >>
> >>> 3.  -Werror is set for the SCTP native code causing the build to
> >>> fail:
> >>>
> >>> Lots of stuff like:
> >>>
> >>> /home/andrew/projects/openjdk/upstream/jdk8/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/sctp/SctpChannelImpl.c:88:24:
> >>> error: unused parameter 'klass' [-Werror=unused-parameter]
> >>>
> >>> as -Werror is passed and -Wno-unused doesn't seem to turn these
> >>> off.
> >>> worked around it (perhaps this should at least be
> >>> to match HotSpot?)
> >>>
> >>> Do we have a preferred way to fix these errors?  I know about
> >>> __unused__ but I believe this
> >>> is GCC-specific and I wouldn't want to break the build on other
> >>> platforms (Solaris, MacOS X, BSD).
> >>
> >> What gcc version are you using? I don't see this with 4.6.
> >>
> >> Probably best to take this up with nio-dev folk.
> > I'm using 4.6.3 and don't see it either. In any case, this is SCTP
> > so
> > net-dev is the best place to review a patch to it (but it doesn't
> > matter, the right people will see it either way).
> I've not seen issues with SCTP compiles either. That said, the SCTP
> native code should be clean, where possible, from all warnings (
> unless
> something has changed recently ).
>  >>> 
> /home/andrew/projects/openjdk/upstream/jdk8/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/sctp/SctpChannelImpl.c:88:24:
>  >>> error: unused parameter 'klass' [-Werror=unused-parameter]
> The above specific warning cannot be fixed in the code as the unused
> parameter is part of the JNI method declaration. If these are the
> only
> type of warnings in this area, and they cause the build to fail, then
> it
> is a build issue and not a source one.
> -Chris.
> >
> > -Alan

The general issue, and one I've pointed out for HotSpot before, is don't
turn on -Werror for everyone.   It inevitably breaks someone's build
somewhere at sometime.

I believe you can use __unused__ on the parameters, but that's probably GCC-specific.
Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
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