Building on Mac (David DeHaven)

Mani Sarkar sadhak001 at
Sat Mar 16 20:38:07 UTC 2013


The OpenJDK adopters in the community have been testing out
the steps lately to build OpenJDK on the MacOS and so far things are fine,
we didn't need to install MacPort or have major issues with the Mac.

You can have a look at the steps if these help with your issues:

Any feedback is welcome.


> >> It's not installed by default, and I'm not sure why you'd want to since
> Apple provides it. But if it's there that could be a concern.
> >
> > If you install subversion, you get file, and there are other things that
> (if installed) will pull in subversion (e.g., trac).
> Ah Trac, how I remember thee...
> >> Incidentally, someone else got a build working with brew so there's an
> alternative to MacPorts for those who don't want to use it. The only caveat
> is that brew installs everything into the system paths, which could cause
> problems later on. And it uses Ruby *hack cough*...
> >
> > Installing stuff on system paths is not what I want.
> Same here, which is one reason I stick with MacPorts. I'm not sure what
> the fuss is anyways, once binaries are available ports come in very fast.
> -DrD-

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*JUG activity:* LJC Advocate (@adoptopenjdk & @adoptajsr programs)
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