JDK-8010495: Update JAXP NetBeans project - add support for generating javadoc

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Mon Mar 25 16:35:08 UTC 2013

On 3/25/13 5:20 PM, huizhe wang wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for doing this.
> JAXP doesn't have these packages: "java/", "org/ietf/jgss/", and
> "org/omg/".  Since this is the jaxp repo, it would be fine if only
> 'javax/' and 'org/' are included, or 'com/' be excluded.

OK - I just copied the pattern shared by all
jdk/make/netbeans projects - but I guess I can safely restrict
the list to what is actually present in JAXP.

That would make it:

  203             <packageset dir="${jaxp.src.dir}"
                      includes="${includes}" excludes="${excludes}">
  204                 <or>
  206                     <filename name="javax/"/>
  209                     <filename name="org/w3c/"/>
  210                     <filename name="org/xml/sax/"/>
  211                 </or>

-- daniel

> Regards,
> Joe
> On 3/25/2013 4:45 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'd like to propose a small change to jaxp/build.xml and
>> jaxp/nbproject/project.xml - in order to allow editing
>> JAXP sources in NetBeans, as well as generating the JAXP
>> javadoc for previewing purposes.
>> I actually stole the javadoc target from
>> jdk/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml
>> The changes are small & targeted at developers.
>> There should be no impact on the build process.
>> Here is the webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/JDK-8010495/jdk8/webrev.00/
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel

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