7152237 Linking with Java 7 libjvm.so on Linux reports unrecognized file format

Mark Susko mark.susko at oracle.com
Wed Mar 27 19:24:59 UTC 2013

Hi all,


I have a customer who is asking about the above bug. It seems they too
have run into it.
I explained about the public comment regarding fPIC that was in there 
and asked them to test different SLES builds.
Their response is:

It works on SLES11 but not 10 SP3.   6_33 works on both. When objdump is 
run manually on the .so files the error occurs, so
I am wondering if there is some reference in the .so files that is not
compatible with the older SLES 10 sp3 OS, ie maybe the library files
were built on a newer system so that there are backword compatibility

Is there an explanation available?


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