Strange build behavior - can't find basic cygwin utilities

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Thu Mar 28 20:39:30 UTC 2013

Hi Vlad

Our guidance [1] is to install only C++ out of the VS 2010 package.

The problem Kelly is referring to was a developer who installed the 
entire VS2010 suite, which includes F#.  Once that is installed, 
vsvars32.bat will define an environment variable called FSHARPINSTALLDIR 
and also add it to PATH:

This is from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 

@if not "%FSHARPINSTALLDIR%" == "" (

The # character on PATH causes problems later on.  Since configure 
places the VS directories on PATH before the Cygwin bin directories, the 
symptom is that simple commands like mkdir are not found.

Check the PATH in your build output.



On 03/28/13 12:55, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> this is problem we have seen before
> i think the issue was PATH
> whatever it is someone might want to add to the troubleshooting  section of the Readme-builds.html file at the top of the repo
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 28, 2013, at 12:50, vladislav karnaukhov<vladislav.karnaukhov at>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm experiencing some strange build behavior under cygwin on Windows 7 64-bit. I cloned jdk8 ws and ran configure - no issues. Please see configure log attached.
>> But when I try to start a build, I get a following error:
>> $ make all
>> make: mkdir: Command not found
>> make: *** [/cygdrive/c/projects/jdk8/build/windows-x86-normal-server-release/source_tips] Error 127
>> or
>> $ make clean
>> Cleaning langtools build artifacts ... done
>> Cleaning corba build artifacts ... done
>> ...
>> make: echo: Command not found
>> make: *** [clean] Error 127
>> Both mkdir and echo (and other tools) are available from /usr/bin/ (/cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin) and I can run them as usual just by typing a name. I suspect that somewhere some paths weren't set correctly, but I was unable to resolve this.
>> Could someone help please?
>> Regards,
>> - Vlad

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