A couple of questions about the new build system

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Thu Mar 28 23:06:36 UTC 2013

On Mar 28 2013, at 14:29 , Phil Race wrote:

> 1. Why do we have both --with-cups and --with-cups-include ?
> All we use is the header files so the latter is what matters and
> I'm not sure which one the build system prefers if both are set.

You will often see this style in configure scripts. It is common to see --with-XXX, --with-XXX-include, --with-XXX-libs. The former is a catch all that is usually expected to point to an exploded tarball distribution and will look for sub-dirs inside the provided directory. The two later options, includes and libs, supersede definitions derived from the base form and allow explicit specification of the include and libs dirs.


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