jdk8 build failure on xubuntu 13.04 32 bit: make: the `-j' option requires a positive integral argument

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Sun May 5 17:22:18 UTC 2013

You should run the build with more logging, to see what actually 
followed the -j argument.

At a guess I would wonder if the intended argument was empty, so -j is 
trying to read the following option as a positive integer, and reporting 
the message you see.

-- Jon

On 05/05/2013 06:34 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> I just installed a Xubuntu 13.04 32 bit machine. Using 7u21 b13 as 
> boot jdk, "bash configure" prompted me to install several packages but 
> running make shows:
> -----START-----
> Building Java(TM) for target 'default' in configuration 
> 'linux-x86-normal-server-release'
> ## Starting langtools
> make: the `-j' option requires a positive integral argument
> ...
> This program built for i686-pc-linux-gnu
> Report bugs to <bug-make at gnu.org>
> make: *** [langtools-only] Error 2
> -----END-----
> What's wrong here?
> Thanks
> Max

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