MacOS build tool selections for JDK8

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Tue May 21 09:18:03 UTC 2013

On 2013-05-16 06:18, David Holmes wrote:
> On 16/05/2013 10:22 AM, David Katleman wrote:
>> On 5/13/2013 8:59 AM, David DeHaven wrote:
>>> If it were my choice, Mac OS X 10.8 would be the base OS with Xcode
>>> 4.6.1 (current) with clang as the officially supported compiler and
>>> with an option to use gcc. I don't see why that would't last at least
>>> the public lifecycle of JDK8. What I would be more concerned with is
>>> the apparent drift from what we know as Mac OS X towards something
>>> more iOS-like, that could mean libraries and frameworks we depend on
>>> no longer being available, but at that point it wouldn't be the same
>>> OS and we'd have to re-evaluate anyways. Sort of like what's happening
>>> with Windows 8 right now.
>> Sorry for what may be considered muddying the waters, since this is a
>> JDK8 discussion.
>> What about JDK7 update builds?  We currently use the same set of macosx
>> hardware for both 7u & 8.    Does JPRT  / others do so as well, or do
>> they maintain separate systems for 7u.
> JPRT as far as I know only uses 10.7 systems for builds. The 10.8 
> systems can only be used for testing.
Since we have added the compiler and link args described earlier in this 
thread to jdk8 makefiles, I believe we have enabled 10.8 for building 
jdk8 too now. At least we intend to.

> David
>>      Dave

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