Windows configure "issues"

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Tue May 21 09:47:33 UTC 2013

On 2013-05-21 11:44, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> On 2013-05-19 22:58, David Chase wrote:
>> This is for Windows 7, following instructions, mostly vanilla.
>> I restarted after all the various installations.
>> I'm "following" the instructions at 
>> The non-vanilla step, inspired by the cautionary warnings about paths 
>> with spaces in them and cygwin, was to install Java and VS10 express 
>> in C:\PFx86, not C:\Program Files.
>> #1, after setting the path explicitly, it was ignored and "not found".
>> $ bash configure  --with-boot-jdk=$J 
>> --with-tools-dir="C:\\PFx86\\MVS10.0\\VC\\bin"
>> configure: Found Visual Studio installation at 
>> /cygdrive/c/PFx86/MVS10.0/ using VS100COMNTOOLS variable
>> configure: Warning: vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat is missing, this is 
>> probably Visual Studio Express. Ignoring
>> configure: Found Visual Studio installation at /cygdrive/c/Program 
>> Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 using well-known name
>> configure: Warning: vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat is missing, this is 
>> probably Visual Studio Express. Ignoring
>> configure: Cannot locate a valid Visual Studio installation, checking 
>> current environment
>> checking for Visual Studio variables... not found
>> configure: Cannot locate a valid Visual Studio or Windows SDK 
>> installation on disk,
>> configure: nor is this script run from a Visual Studio command prompt.
>> configure: Try setting --with-tools-dir to the VC/bin directory 
>> within the VS installation
>> configure: or run "bash.exe -l" from a VS command prompt and then run 
>> configure from there.
>> configure: error: Cannot continue
>> configure exiting with result code 1
>> My understanding of what happened is that it found, both from the 
>> tools dir and from the environment variable, an Express install, but 
>> because it was an Express install it kept looking, and was misled by 
>> something dribbled in Program Files by my 
>> non-standard-installation-location install, and did not then 
>> backtrack to the perfectly good Express install that I instructed it 
>> to use.
>> I told it exactly what to do, in exactly the way that I was 
>> instructed, and it ignored my good advice.  If the answer is "fails 
>> if not installed in the default location, even if you direct it to 
>> the non-default location" (i.e., ProgramSPACEFiles, despite our 
>> worrying language about the dangers of SPACEs in paths), then we 
>> should be sure to say so.
> Configure looks for visual studio (and windows SDK) installs and tries 
> to run the vcvars*.bat to get the environment necessary to build. In 
> this case it couldn't find the bat file where it was expected to be. 
> Probably because it looked for the 64bit version of the file when 
> there was only a 32bit install of visual studio. If that's the case, 
> we should add a better fail message since 64bit build is normally the 
> default. As noted by Volker, this can be solved by installing the 
> correct windows SDK which will provide the 64bit compiler.
>> #2, if you fire up a Visual Studio command prompt and say "bash.exe 
>> -l", it will not find it and will not run it.
>> If you naively attempt to reverse engineer the "which base" from your 
>> Cygwin window, you will be lead astray and go looking for 
>> C:\cygwin\usr\bin\bash.exe", which does not exist.
>> What does exist, what you should tell people to type, and what works, 
>> is: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe .
>> So the instructions should say that, instead.
>> However, once reverse-engineered, it did seem work (if this is working):
>> configure: Found Visual Studio installation at 
>> /cygdrive/c/PFx86/MVS10.0/ using VS100COMNTOOLS variable
>> configure: Warning: vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat is missing, this is 
>> probably Visual Studio Express. Ignoring
>> configure: Found Visual Studio installation at /cygdrive/c/Program 
>> Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 using well-known name
>> configure: Warning: vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat is missing, this is 
>> probably Visual Studio Express. Ignoring
>> configure: Cannot locate a valid Visual Studio installation, checking 
>> current environment
>> checking for Visual Studio variables... ok
>> checking for msvcr100.dll... configure: Warning: msvcr100.dll not 
>> found in VCINSTALLDIR: C:\PFx86\MVS10.0\VC\
>> configure: msvcr100.dll found in C:\windows/system32
>> C:\windows/system32/msvcr100.dll
>> configure: Rewriting MSVCR_DLL to 
>> "/cygdrive/c/windows/system32/msvcr100.dll"
> This is a possible workaround. Where did you read the "bash.exe -l" 
> instruction?
>> #3, the DirectX 9.0 link is not maybe dead, it is dead.
>> The search for "DirectX 9.0 SDK Update Summer 2004" is also dead; 
>> nothing is found.
>> Searches for "DirectX 9" yield downloads that are not SDKs, searches 
>> for "DirectX 9 SDK" and "DirectX 9.0 SDK" leads to SDKs that are not 
>> version 9.
>> Does it still work with somewhat newer (e.g., April 2006, version "DX")?
>> If it does, we should say so, because currently the instructions lead 
>> to dead ends.
> Unfortunately Microsoft is no longer distributing this version of the 
> directx SDK and unfortunately it's still the officially supported SDK 
> by OpenJDK. It will still build with newer versions (Technically it 
> will still build with the directx sdk bundled with VS2010, but 
> configure won't let you do that anymore without being tricked), but 
> there will be the potential for bugs. The choice of supported directx 
> sdk dependencies should be discussed with the engineering team using it.
Note that the installer for this sdk can be found on /java/devtools if 
you are on Oracles network.
> /Erik
>> David

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