Improving the management and accessibility of the handling of JDK variants

Dave Pointon dpointo8 at
Thu Nov 21 16:30:44 UTC 2013

Hiya Magnus ,

On Thu, 2013-11-21 at 14:18 +0100, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2013-11-18 21:05, David Holmes wrote:
> > Of course these configuration points have been defined based on our 
> > needs for the Oracle JDK versus OpenJDK, so there is no claim of 
> > general applicability or suitability for all potential users who want 
> > to customize the build and/or sources. Happy to adapt in reasonable 
> > ways of course.
> I agree.
> We have a couple of systems in place for building with custom additions, 
> and different variants. But they are adapted to what we needed.
> Dave, if you can specify more precisely what kind of additions and 
> alterations you need, I can suggest ways to do that, that is likely to 
> fit in the OpenJDK build system, and that might help to develop these 
> hooks into more generally useful ones. But unfortunately it is quite 
> dependent on exactly what kind of additions that are needed.
> /Magnus

In the process of attempting to describe the changes I'm playing with,
I've realized that I've made a coupla wrong assumptions and completely
inflexible and thus inappropriate, design decisions. I'll post further
once I believe I have a more generally applicable/useful model to
impart ...

Dave Pointon FIAP MBCS

Now I saw, tho' too late, the folly of beginning a work
before we count the cost and before we we judge rightly
of our strength to go thro' with it - Robinson Crusoe

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