javah not running

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Tue Nov 26 09:31:45 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-26 03:18, Pete Brunet wrote:
> Is javah expected to run when the jdk tree for 8 is built?  If I look in
> my make log file I only see javah executed 4 times, all 4 when hotspot
> is built.  I assume the jdk code has plenty of jni and would expect to
> see plenty of use of javah when building the jdk portion, but I see
> nothing.  I ask because I have some jni code that is failing the build
> because the javah generated file is not being created.  This generated
> file is currently in the repo but I assume that it should not be so I hg
> removed it and expected the build to create it, but it didn't.  -Pete
The way header files are generated in jdk8 has changed with the new 
build. A new feature to javac was added, which adds the flag -h <dir>, 
which instructs javac to generate header files for all classes that have 
native methods, or has a field with the @Native annotation. In the new 
build makefiles, the parameter HEADERS:=<dir> is used to 
SetupJavaCompilation to trigger header file generation.


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