code review round 0 for Full Debug Symbols on MacOS X hotspot (7165611)

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Tue Oct 1 15:30:14 UTC 2013

Open changes look good to me as well.


On 10/ 1/13 06:48 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> Thanks (again). You previously posted a review for the OpenJDK side
> on 2013.09.23... :-)
> Dan
> On 10/1/13 2:42 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> I have looked at the build changes in the root and jdk repos and they 
>> look OK.
>> /Erik
>> On 2013-09-21 05:36, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I have the initial support for Full Debug Symbols (FDS) on MacOS X done
>>> and ready for review:
>>>     7165611 implement Full Debug Symbols on MacOS X hotspot
>>> Here is the JDK8/HSX-25 webrev URL:
>>> OpenJDK: 
>>> Internal: 
>>> This webrev includes changes for the follow repos:
>>>     jdk8
>>>     jdk8/hotspot
>>>     jdk8/jdk
>>>     jdk8/jdk/make/closed
>>> Once these changes are approved, I'm planning to push them to
>>> RT_Baseline. From there, they can follow the normal path to
>>> Main_Baseline and eventually JDK8.
>>> This work enables FDS on MacOS X for the 'hotspot' repo; the changes in
>>> the other repos are necessary to support importing the .diz files from
>>> the MacOS X 'hotspot' build into the forest build. I also fixed a few
>>> FDS related errors in the magic incantations for the new build. This is
>>> mostly a port from Linux -> MacOS X/BSD with the dtrace changes ported
>>> from Solaris. In other words, this is Frankenstein's monster...
>>> Thanks to Staffan Larsen for providing an initial set of changes
>>> which I morphed into what you see here.
>>> Testing:
>>> - JPRT HSX build and test on all platforms; verification of .diz
>>>   files in the MacOS X JPRT bundles
>>> - JPRT JDK8 forest build and test on all platforms; verification of
>>>   .diz files in the MacOS X JPRT bundles
>>>   Note: In previous FDS changesets, I also did a standalone 'jdk'
>>>   repo build and test, but that no longer seems to work.
>>> As always, comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.
>>> Dan

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