Code review for bug fix 8025741

Bhavesh Patel bhavesh.x.patel at
Wed Oct 2 08:32:52 UTC 2013

Thanks Magnus.

I have made the changes to the common/makefiles/javadoc/Javadoc.gmk file for the new build. I have uploaded the updated webrev at


----- Original Message -----
From: magnus.ihse.bursie at
To: bhavesh.x.patel at
Cc: build-dev at
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 12:46:19 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: Code review for bug fix 8025741

On 2013-10-01 23:41, Bhavesh Patel wrote:
> Hi,
>     There is a bug in jdk/make/docs/Makefile for JDK8. The bug is listed at The Makefile for JDK 8 does not include the DEV_DOCS_URL that should point to the developer documentation URL for JDK 8. This creates an empty href in <a> HTML tag resulting in tidy warnings in the generated JDK API documentation.
>     I have fixed the Makefile to include the variable and have pointed it to the JDK 8 developer documentation URL. The webrev for the fix it at

This needs to be fixed for the new build as well. In 
common/makefiles/javadoc/Javadoc.gmk, I see there is already a prepared, 
but commented out, line:

# This isn't added in old build yet.

Restore that and remove the comment above which does not apply any longer.


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