Heads up: Removal of the old build system in JDK8

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
Thu Oct 3 03:16:15 UTC 2013

Nashorn project ($jdk8/nashorn) uses "make" directory contents. Contains 
NetBeans project. There is a old-style "Makefile" there which can be 
removed. (Nashorn does not even build with old-style build. That 
Makefile just instructs to run 'new style build' for nashorn).


Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> The new build system ("build-infra") has been the default way of 
> building the JDK for almost a year. Keeping the old build system in 
> sync with the new requires time and effort, and is getting harder all 
> the time.
> So the time has come to finally kill of the old build system for those 
> components where the new build system exists (i.e. langtools, jdk, 
> corba, jaxp and jaxws -- but not hotspot).
> If you have not switched over to using the new build system, this is 
> the time!
> If you are using build functionality in the old build system that is 
> not replicated in the new build system, please let us know.
> Apart from building the product, the old build system (the "make" 
> directories in the top-level repo or any sub repo) contains a number 
> of other utilities, scripts and make targets to produce results other 
> than the product itself. These will not be removed (unless the 
> functionality is replaced in the new build system), but we would still 
> like to hear from you what are actively being used, and what are just 
> remnants that can be removed.
> Please direct your replies to the build-dev at openjdk.java.net list.
> /Magnus

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