RFR: 8007446: Add /MP to cl.exe speeds up windows builds of OpenJDK.

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at oracle.com
Thu Oct 3 09:15:00 UTC 2013

Looks good! I can sponsor the push.


On 3 okt 2013, at 11:14, Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at oracle.com> wrote:

> Please review this simple patch adding /MP to the windows cl.exe command lines when supported. In my tests, the speed improvement is around 40% on the hotspot part of the build on the Stockholm jprt queue and my local build. This is really low hanging fruit for build speed improvements.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8007446/webrev.hotspot.01/
> I will also need a sponsor to push this for me if review is passed.
> /Erik

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