JDK7u40: webrev does not seem to work properly on WXP/Cygwin

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Mon Oct 7 07:32:17 UTC 2013

On 2013-10-04 21:58, Francis ANDRE wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to build a webrev for an outgoing patch on a 
> WXP/x86/Cygwin platform, but it seems that the webrev script is not 
> handling properly the /cygdrive/ path. So, I am wondering if there a 
> specific configuration guide for using this script under cygwin?

I just tested running webrev.ksh under Cygwin and it worked fine, so 
there's nothing wrong with the script.

However, getting proper paths in Cygwin is always problematic. Your 
output from webrev says:
>       Workspace: Z:/DEV/OpenJDK_7u40/hotspot

which is an incorrect cygwin path. My corresponding input included a 
proper /cygdrive/... path.

So, it sounds more like a user error. Check your cygwin environment. 
Make sure you are running the latest cygwin. Make sure you never use dos 
style paths, like "cd z:/...". Make sure you *don't* have the 
"nodosfilewarning" turned on, since it actually warns for something bad.


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