RFR (S): JDK-8025933 Configure should support French cl.exe

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Mon Oct 7 17:22:47 UTC 2013

Hi Magnus,

I think we need to make it clear that the locale we support for building 
the JDK is US English, which is proven to work, and it should be 
documented in README-builds.html or similar. Your change in configure 
script looks good, in order for passing non-English CL.EXE through, but 
I don't think we would "support" building JDK in a non-English locale 
and it would be on developers' own risk if they prefer to do so. 
Supporting locales for building JDK would provide far more complexity 
than benefit, IMO.


On 10/7/13 2:32 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2013-10-06 05:19, David Holmes wrote:
>> Magnus,
>> Echoing Naoto's comments I don't agree that we should be supporting
>> this. In the original email a workaround was mentioned using an
>> environment variable - if that is the case then I don't think we need
>> to do anything here. Even if not, who knows how many other languages
>> we might have to support in this way.
> I didn't think a simple patch would generate so much discussion. :-)
> I'm just about this close -->| |<-- to dropping this but let me just
> elaborate on a few points here:
> 1) The fix was indeed intended to be language independet; the comment
> about Frech was unfortunate and should be rewritten.
> 2) The workaround mentioned was for JDK7. No such workaround is possible
> for JDK8, and we will fail at configure time.
> 3) I think English should be the supported locale; unfortunately on
> Windows platforms changing locale is system-wide and thus not possible
> to change for only JDK build tools. Building in a virtual machine with
> English locale to work around this is of course possible, but that will
> make a slow build even slower.
> 4) At the very least, a simple fix that don't get configure artificially
> caught when trying to check if the tools is okay, when it actually is,
> would be okay.
> New webrev fixing the comment:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ihse/JDK-8025933-configure-support-french-cl.exe/webrev.02
> If anyone still objects to this, let me known and I'll drop it.
> /Magnus

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