RFR: 8023611 Win32 and win64: Remove all the WARNINGS in JDK 8 builds for Windows 2008 and MSVS 2010 SP1

Tim Bell tim.bell at oracle.com
Wed Oct 9 14:55:45 UTC 2013

All - Now that the Windows build changes for JDK 8 are in place, it is 
time to adjust the sanity checks in the old Makefiles to silence these 

> WARNING:  The official builds on windows use OS version 5.1. You 
> appear to be using OS version 6.1.
> WARNING:  The official builds on windows use OS variant WindowsXP. You 
> appear to be using OS variant .
> WARNING: To build Java 2 SDK 1.8.0 you need :
>        VS2010 - link.exe version '10.00.30319.01'
>        Specifically the Visual Studio 10 link.exe.
>         You appear to be using Linker version '10.00.40219.01'
> WARNING: The windows compiler is not version VS2010 16.00.30319.01
>        Specifically the Visual Studio 10 compiler.
>         You appear to be using VS2010: 16.00.40219.01
>        The compiler was obtained from the following location:
>            C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~2.0/Common7/Tools/../../Vc/Bin/ 

Webrev here:


Thanks in advance-


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