8026398: Can't load jdk.Exported, ClassNotFoundException

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Mon Oct 14 13:54:35 UTC 2013

The changes look right to me, and prudent given where we are with jdk8.

It suspect that this would have gone unnoticed forever, if you were not 
to add this type.


On 14/10/2013 14:39, Alan Bateman wrote:
> This is an update to the BuildMetaIndex tool, the tool used in the build
> to generate the meta-index file.
> The problem is that the tool assumes that there are at least two levels
> of package in the name of each type. This causes a problem for
> jdk.Exported, the annotation that was added as part of JEP 179 [1]. At
> this time you can't load this class because the entry in the meta-index
> file is generated as jdk/internal/ rather than jdk/.
> The tool is crying out for a re-write but it's a bit late in JDK 8 so
> I've instead did enough to get it to handle top-level packages in the
> "known prefix" set. The change mans that when a type in the top-level
> package is found then it adds a special value ("TOP") into its second
> package set, this is enough to allow it be handled when emitting the
> lines for the known prefixes.
> The webrev with the proposed change is here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/8026398/webrev/
> Thanks,
> -Alan.
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/179

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