Cannot build OpenJDK8

Dan Xu dan.xu at
Thu Oct 24 00:19:15 UTC 2013

On 10/23/2013 04:40 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> What platform are you building on? What exact error messages have you 
> seen? It will be helpful if you provide these info.
> If it's SCTP on latest Linux, yes, there is a problem and we've just 
> fixed it.
> Thanks
> Max
> On 10/7/13 8:22 PM, Raahul Kumar wrote:
>> Gcc seems to have been configured with -Werror, because it halts on just
>> error messages.
>> How do I build OpenJDK8 currently?
Here are the bug encountered in newer version gcc that Max mentioned 
above, JDK-8027059, and its fix,


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