Building JDK on Mavericks?

David DeHaven david.dehaven at
Thu Oct 24 04:44:29 UTC 2013

> Now that OS X 10.9 is out and the new gss in Xcode is 5. Is there a plan to update OpenJDK to make it build?

There's been ongoing discussion and some work done already to prepare for allowing building with Xcode 5, being able to use clang for one thing, but I don't think we're there yet.

Once thing that needs to change in the build system is the location of JavaVM.framework, we need to stop using the copy in /System/Library/Frameworks as it's never installed on a clean 10.9 installation (that means JavaRuntimeSupport and JavaNativeFoundation frameworks won't be found). We need to switch to only building against the SDK, third party dependencies aside. Of course, ideally we'd remove those dependencies entirely, but that's a different subject :)


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