Code review request: 8011402: Move blacklisting certificate logic from hard code to data

Weijun Wang at
Tue Sep 10 05:01:01 UTC 2013

Hi Eric

The creation of the blacklisted.certs file looks like this now:

	$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
	$(CAT) $^ | $(SED) '/^$$/d' | $(SORT) | $(UNIQ) > $@.tmp
	$(GREP) -i Algorithm $@.tmp > $@
	$(GREP) -iv Algorithm $@.tmp >> $@

As you can see, I use 2 greps to make sure the output always starts with 
"Algorithm=something" and entries followed ordered. Is there a better 
way to do it?

I also want to add a check before the last line to make sure there is 
only one line of "Algorithm" in $@ since there is a possibility that the 
algorithm value is different in different sources. How can I do that?


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