Code review request: 8011402: Move blacklisting certificate logic from hard code to data

Weijun Wang at
Wed Sep 11 13:06:46 UTC 2013

On 9/11/13 8:49 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> if test `grep -i Algorithm $@ | wc | awk '{ print $1 }'` != 1; then \
>>>    echo "Some message" && false \
>>> fi
>> This is an error.
>> How do I write the lines above inside CopyFiles.gmk?
> I haven't tested the above so there might be bugs in it. Replace grep,
> wc, echo and awk with the proper variables. I think there is a ';'
> missing after false. Otherwise, just paste it into the recipe.

It seems there needs a pair of " around `. Don't why. Maybe it's about 
the pipes?

I changed it to no pipe and seems working now

	$(GREP) -i Algorithm $@.tmp > $@
	if [ `$(SED) -n -e "$$=" $@` != 1 ]; then \
	   $(ECHO) "Different algorithms defined in $^"; \
	   $(RM) $@; \
	   false ; \
	$(GREP) -iv Algorithm $@.tmp >> $@

Here $@ only contains lines with "Algorithm".

I'll try a JPRT build.


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