Heads-up, anyone who keeps their Mac software up-to-date

David DeHaven david.dehaven at oracle.com
Thu Sep 19 17:26:37 UTC 2013

> 2. Installing the tools seems to burn a particular path into their tiny pea brain, so in the end you will need to call XCode 4.6.3 "XCode.app", if that is its old name, because I cannot figure out how to convince XCode that it should re-install tools.
> This may require moving the upgraded XCode.app to XCode5.0.app.

Use pkgutil to have it "forget" that it's installed something:
$ sudo pkgutil -forget com.apple.pkg.DeveloperToolsCLI

Once you do that you should be able to reinstall from within Xcode, or run the standalone installer. That's how I recovered from running Xcode 5 DP.


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