JDK-7082220 : Visual Studio projects broken after change: backport to OpenJDK7/hotspot

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Sun Sep 22 18:40:09 UTC 2013


the OpenJDK 7 repository corresponds to the JDK 7 GA release made a few 
years ago. The OpenJDK 7u repository is used to gather fixes for the JDK 
7 update releases.

Isn't this patch already in the updates ? (7u2)



On 22/09/2013 09:37, Francis ANDRE wrote:
> HI
> the patch "JDK-7082220 : Visual Studio projects broken after change 
> 7016797: Hotspot: securely/restrictive load dlls"  is missing in the 
> OpenJDK7/hotspot/src/share/tools/ProjectCreator/WinGammaPlatformVC10.java. 
> I applied it localy but some other OpenJDK developpers on WXP/VS2010 
> would benefit of this patch if it was applied to the OpenJDK7 forest. 
> So I am wondering how to request a backport of this patch to the 
> OpenJDK7/hotspot repository?
> Regards
> FA

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