Problem related to building JDK in Windows

Ludovic HOCHET lhochet at
Thu Apr 3 20:17:22 UTC 2014

Hello Pooja,
Have you tried with just:
(additionally I think my trial and error got me to put the dll in

For ref, here are the steps I follow when building own:


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:02 PM, pooja chopra <poojachopra.ism at> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Yeah I have cygwin and I tried with the cygwin command you told as below
> but again I got same error  :-
> $ ./configure
> --with-freetype-lib=/cygdrive/e/PoojaJDK8/freetype-2.4.7/freetype
> -2.4.7/objs/win64/vc2010
> --with-freetype-include=/cygdrive/e/PoojaJDK8/freetype
> -2.4.7/freetype-2.4.7/include/freetype
> Error:-
> checking what is not needed on Windows?... alsa cups pulse x11
> checking for Mac OS X Java Framework... no
> checking for X... no
> checking for X11/extensions/shape.h... no
> configure: error: Can not find or use freetype at location given by
> --with-freet
> ype
> configure exiting with result code 1
> Regards,
> Pooja
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 12:30 AM, pooja chopra <poojachopra.ism at>wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Yeah I have cygwin and I tried with the command you told as below
>> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 12:08 AM, Tim Bell <tim.bell at> wrote:
>>> If you are building the JDK on WIndows, you probably have Cygwin
>>> installed (you won't get very far without it).
>>> I suggest you try the Cygwin form of the path instead of the DOS form,
>>> and use forward slashes, like this:
>>>  ./configure
>>>> --with-freetype-lib=/cygdrive/e/PoojaJDK8/freetype-2.4.7/
>>>> freetype-2.4.7/objs/win64/vc2010
>>>> --with-freetype-include=/cygdrive/e/PoojaJDK8/freetype-
>>>> 2.4.7/freetype-2.4.7/include/freetype
>>> Hope this helps-
>>> Tim
>>> On 04/03/14 17:34, pooja chopra wrote:
>>>> Hi Volker ,
>>>> Thanks for the help. But even after giving command as below : -
>>>> $ ./configure
>>>> -with-freetype-lib=E:\PoojaJDK8\freetype-2.4.7\
>>>> freetype-2.4.7\objs\win64\vc2010
>>>> --with-freetype-include=E:\PoojaJDK8\freetype-2.4.7\
>>>> freetype-2.4.7\include\freetype
>>>> I got below error :-
>>>> checking for X11/extensions/shape.h... no
>>>> configure: error: Can not find or use freetype at location given by
>>>> --with-freetype
>>>> configure exiting with result code 1
>>>> I have freetype.dll at this location
>>>> E:\PoojaJDK8\freetype-2.4.7\freetype-2.4.7\objs\win64\vc2010  and
>>>> freetype.h at this
>>>> location E:\PoojaJDK8\freetype-2.4.7\freetype-2.4.7\include\freetype
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Pooja
>>>> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:21 PM, Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at
>>>> >wrote:
>>>>  Hi Pooja,
>>>>> if you already successfully build freetype according to the steps
>>>>> given in your mail you can simply pass the path of the freetype build
>>>>> output directory (i.e. the one where you find freetype.dll) with the
>>>>> "--with-freetype-lib" option to configure. You should also use
>>>>> "--with-freetype-include" to pass the path to the freetype include
>>>>> directory (i.e. the one which contains freetype.h) to configure.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Volker
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 5:26 PM, pooja chopra <poojachopra.ism at
>>>>> >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>>> I am trying to build openjk on my windows 7 machine and facing problem
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> below :-
>>>>>> checking for X11/extensions/shape.h... no
>>>>>> configure: error: Could not find freetype! You need to build a 64-bit
>>>>>> version of
>>>>>>   freetype.
>>>>>> This is not readily available.
>>>>>> You can find source code and build instructions on
>>>>>> If you put the resulting build in "C:\Program Files\GnuWin32", it will
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> found
>>>>>> automatically.
>>>>>> configure exiting with result code 1
>>>>>> Even though I have build freetype using steps as below :-
>>>>>> Download FreeType from, extract
>>>>> it to
>>>>>> c:\OpenJDK\freetype-2.4.7 and double click on
>>>>>> c:\OpenJDK\freetype-2.4.7\builds\win32\vc2010\freetype.vcxproj to open
>>>>> the
>>>>>> FreeType project in "VisualC++ Express 2010".
>>>>>>  From the projects properties do the following:
>>>>>>     - Configuration Manager -> Active Solution Manager -> Type or
>>>>>> select
>>>>> the
>>>>>>     new Platform -> x64
>>>>>>     - Configuration -> Release Multithreaded
>>>>>>     - Platform -> x64
>>>>>>     - Output Directory -> rename ".\..\..\..\objs\win32\vc2010\" to
>>>>>>     ".\..\..\..\objs\win64\vc2010\"
>>>>>>     - Intermediate Directory -> rename ".\..\..\..\objs\release_mt\" to
>>>>>>     ".\..\..\..\objs\release_mt_64\"
>>>>>>     - Target Name -> rename to "freetype"
>>>>>>     - Platform Toolset -> Windows7.1SDK
>>>>>> Taking help from this site : -
>>>>> yaojowbi-yet-another-openjdk-windows-build-instruction
>>>>>> There may be a problem related to Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .Net as
>>>>>> what I downloaded had some errors so please provide me link for
>>>>> downloading
>>>>>> this .
>>>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>>>> Pooja


"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
 si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
 Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
 [The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
 if their thoughts unite to build a universe]

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