Suggested changes for Build Group Page (add jdk9 and build-infra links)

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Tue Apr 8 08:19:20 UTC 2014

On 2014-04-08 09:44, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> Hi all,
> Was just looking at and noticed that
> there's no links for:
> 1.) jdk9 build docs -
> ?
Should probably be added, but it hasn't changed from the jdk8 version yet.
> 2.) The build-infra-dev mailing list - (Is build-dev effectively
> dead/dormant now?)
build-dev is the main mailing list for build related issues. 
build-infra-dev was/is a project specific list for the build-infra 
project, which was the project where we rewrote all the makefiles and 
introduced configure. We used to to reduce the noise on build-dev. It's 
currently not very active, but we are planning (hoping) to rewrite 
Hotspot makefiles under that banner for jdk9.

I very much doubt anyone is on build-infra-dev without being on 
build-dev, so crossposting both is not necessary.

> I think there were also some personnel reshuffling.
Yes, Magnus is not on that list and Kelly isn't active anymore. Looking 
at the page I get the confusion of build-dev and build-infra-dev since 
the title is "Build Infrastructure Group".

> Cheers,
> Martijn

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