RFR [9] : get_source.sh should be more friendly to MQ

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at oracle.com
Fri Apr 11 17:17:50 UTC 2014

On 11 apr 2014, at 17:19, Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com> wrote:

> Is it common to use mq in all repos of a forest?

For me it is very common to be working on a fix that spans multiple repos (up to 5 different repos at times). So, yes.

I like this fix, but I would be very annoyed if all my patches were applied (not just those that were applied before get_source.sh ran). I frequently have lots of patches in the queue that I don’t want to have applied.


> I've never used mq that way; it would only have occurred to me to use mq in the repo I'm interested in -- in my case, langtools. But then, I admit I tend not to clone forests more than necessary.   configure.sh --with-override-repo-name is your friend ;-)
> -- Jon
> On 04/11/2014 08:19 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>> On 11/04/14 15:59, Michael McMahon wrote:
>>> That's very useful Chris. I wonder is it okay to assume that all patches
>>> must be pushed back again after the update?
>>> Would it be feasible to remember which (if any) patches had been popped
>>> first, and only push the same ones again?
>> That would require a much more involved set of changes in hgforest, but could be doable. All you need to know is queue tip, 'hg qtop', of each repo, qpush back to it.
>> -Chris.
>>> Michael
>>> On 11/04/14 15:58, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>>> Anyone using MQ for their daily development will know about this,
>>>> forgetting to qpop before sync'ing up. It would be nice it get_source
>>>> would pop and push patches ( only if you are using MQ ) automatically.
>>>> If you do not have patch repos, then there is no change.
>>>> diff --git a/get_source.sh b/get_source.sh
>>>> --- a/get_source.sh
>>>> +++ b/get_source.sh
>>>> @@ -28,6 +28,21 @@
>>>> # Get clones of all nested repositories
>>>> sh ./common/bin/hgforest.sh clone "$@" || exit 1
>>>> +patchdirs=`ls -d ./.hg/patches ./*/.hg/patches ./*/*/.hg/patches \
>>>> +                 ./*/*/*/.hg/patches ./*/*/*/*/.hg/patches 2>/dev/null`
>>>> +
>>>> +# Pop all patches, if any, before updating
>>>> +if [ "${patchdirs}"  != "" ] ; then
>>>> +  echo "Found queue repository, qpop."
>>>> +  sh ./common/bin/hgforest.sh qpop -a || exit 1
>>>> +fi
>>>> +
>>>> # Update all existing repositories to the latest sources
>>>> -sh ./common/bin/hgforest.sh pull -u
>>>> +sh ./common/bin/hgforest.sh pull -u || exit 1
>>>> +# Push all patches, if any, after updating
>>>> +if [ "${patchdirs}" != "" ] ; then
>>>> +  echo "Found queue repository, qpush."
>>>> +  sh ./common/bin/hgforest.sh qpush -a
>>>> +fi
>>>> +
>>>> -Chris.

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