RFR: JDK-8038500: (zipfs) Upgrade ZIP provider to be a supported provider

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Mon Apr 14 17:52:37 UTC 2014

Thanks Mandy and Alan for the review.

webrev has been updated accordingly to

(1) Removed the basic.sh. The tests are now using test.jdk to access the 
zipfs.jar directly
(2) Updated most of the class to package package, only 
ZipFileSystemProvider (the spi interface)
      and ZipInfo are public.
      The ZipInfo is a handy utility sometime I find it useful to simply 
do java com.sun.nio.zipfs.Info xyz.zip
      to display all cen and loc tables in details. I may take sometime 
to find a better home for it later.
(3) I have not migrated the test target zipfs.jar to an "independent" 
test source (created during test) yet,
      will definitely later in a separate thread when we move to modules.
(4) Yes, I mean to keep Demo there as an interactive regression test.



On 4/11/14 4:29 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> On 4/11/2014 3:42 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8038500/webrev
> It's good to see the source of the zip provider moved to the jdk 
> repo.   You have made some public classes to package-private which is 
> good.  I wonder whether a few remaining public classes can be made 
> package-private (e.g. ZipFileAttributes, ZipInfo etc).  Is 
> JarFileSystemProvider used anywhere?  ZipFileSystemProvider is the 
> only provider listed in the service configuration.
> Do you mean to make Demo.java as a regression test?
> basic.sh - I wonder if you can get rid of this shell test.  Do Basic, 
> PathOps, ZipFSTester have any relationship?  I was thinking if they 
> can be made as individual java test and constructor the input path of 
> zipfs.jar.    With zipfs.jar part of the jdk build, it will be found 
> under ${java.home}/lib/ext/zipfs.jar.   When we move to modules, this 
> jar file won't exist.  It might be better for the tests to create a 
> JAR file (one to share by all zipfs tests) to get ready for modules.
> Mandy

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