RFR(S): 8022177: Windows/MSYS builds broken

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Wed Aug 6 09:01:59 UTC 2014

Hello Volker,

The changes seem reasonable to me, consider them reviewed. I can make 
the push if you like.

On msys, I would really like to be able to test this myself, but I find 
it hard to get a proper environment setup. Can you point me to a good 
guide on what I need to do?


On 2014-08-05 20:26, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi,
> could somebody please review these straightforward changes which fix
> the MinGW7MSYS build on Windows:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/8022177/
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8022177
> The details of the change can be found below and in the webrev. I
> think I need a sponsor for this change because it requires the
> re-generation of generated-configure files (closed and open).
> I also want to mention that we at SAP are using the MinGW/MSYS build
> on Windows since more than a year for all our Java builds (from 4 to
> 8) on Windows and we're highly committed in keeping this build
> environment alive.
> Independently from this change I also have a general question related
> to the MSYS build:
> During an MSYS build the Windows command shell is usually called like this:
> `cmd //c echo $unix_path`
> As far as I understand, the double slash is needed to prevent MSYS
> from rewriting '/c' to 'c:/' when calling a non-MSYS executable. But
> sometimes (notably in BASIC_MAKE_WINDOWS_SPACE_SAFE_MSYS in
> basic_windows.m4) we call the Windows command shell without a quoted
> forward slash like this:
> new_path=`cmd /c "for %A in (\"$input_path\") do @echo %~sA"
> and I don't understand why this works.
> To complicate things, the MSYS environment contains its own 'cmd'
> shell script in '/usr/bin/cmd' which only redirects to the
> corresponding Windows command shell like so:
> #!/bin/sh
> "$COMSPEC" "$@"
> Unfortunately I didn't succeed in unifying all the calls to 'cmd' to a
> single pattern (i.e. either `cmd //c ...`, or `/usr/bin/cmd /c ...`)
> which would be desirable, because depending on the actual PATH
> settings, `cmd` may either call "/usr/bin/cmd" or
> "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe".
> Can anybody shed some light on this topic (i.e. which "cmd" we want to
> call and why we have to quote "/c" differently)?
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> 1. common/autoconf/basics.m4
> - Check for bsdcpio if cpio is not found. Also make the check for cpio
> optional, as suggested in the bug report.
> - Only do the BASIC_CHECK_SRC_PERMS check on Cygwin as it only seems
> to be relavant there and because the stat utility isn't availabel in
> MSYS anyway.
> 2. common/autoconf/basics_windows.m4
> - Same story like on Cygwin: '.bat' and '.cmd' files are not always
> considered executable in MSYS causing which to not find them.
> 3. common/autoconf/flags.m4
> - Use "-WX" option syntax for cl options (instead of "/WX") to prevent
> option rewriting by MSYS.
> 4. toolchain_windows.m4
> - Account for the fact that the MSYS file utility reports different
> file types for Windows DLLs than its Cygwin counterpart.

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