new build dies when doing 'make clean images'

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Mon Aug 25 09:19:49 UTC 2014

Hello Ludovic,

The lack of build summary is caused by the clean target deleting the 
book keeping files used to create that summary as part of the clean. We 
have just not designed this around running with clean in the same 
command line. I would also encourage you to not run clean on the same 
make command line as any other target as the build will run considerably 

The slower speed is caused by us having to disable parallel execution 
for top level targets. Make normally runs targets in parallel unless 
there are dependencies declared between them. In the old build, we had 
the top level makefile forced to run sequentially, so the first target 
you specified (clean) would run and complete before the second (images) 
would start. This is no longer the case, so make would start trying to 
build while the clean target is still deleting. To prevent this from 
happening, if one of the targets to run is "clean", sequential execution 
of the top level is still enforced.

We should probably try to detect the situation with clean mixed with 
other targets and issue a warning.


On 2014-08-25 10:37, Ludovic HOCHET wrote:
> Hello,
> I usually build the JDK using 'make clean images', however doing so
> with the new build results in the build dying (both on Win8.1 with
> make 3.82 or 4 and on Ubuntu 14.04), ie the build ends with no end of
> build messages (times and 'Finished building OpenJDK for target
> 'images''). The resulting JDK shows a run issue when launching
> jconsole.
> Strangely using 'make LOG=debug clean images' results in a seemingly
> working JDK even though the end of build messages still aren't part of
> the output.

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