Review request: 8055856: checkdeps build target doesn't work for cross-compilation builds

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Thu Aug 28 06:38:58 UTC 2014

Hello Mandy,

That certainly looks better. A couple of more thoughts, and sorry for 
not pointing this out earlier, but the new structure is still new to me too.

* The rmic targets also generate classes, so for modules.xml to be 
correct, I suspect you need to depend on that too. Simply add "rmic" 
after java on the dependency line. I assume the verification doesn't 
care about resources? If it does, then you would also need to depend on 
the rest of gendata, something like $(filter-out, 

* In, there is an ifndef OPENJDK. We are trying to 
move away from that construct when possible. It's a bit cumbersome but 
to avoid it. To do it in the current model, create a closed version of Add "$(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, jdk, 
gendata/" after "include GendataCommon.gmk". Change 
the first assignment of METADATA_FILES to += and move the closed 
addition to the closed version of the file. There is no need for ifndef 
OPENJDK in the closed file. It only gets included when we build closed.


On 2014-08-27 18:00, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Erik, Magnus,
> This is much easier than I have thought.  I really like this new build.
> I have separated out and removed the modules-xml
> target completely.
> Webrev at:
> Mandy

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