<AWT Dev> RFR [9] Modular Source Code

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Fri Aug 29 08:45:22 UTC 2014

On 2014-08-28 21:36, Phil Race wrote:
> >    ./windows/native/libawt/sun/java2d/d3d/D3DShaderGen.c
> Is a tool that is run manually when we need to re-generate the shaders.
> It is co-located so that can be found easily. It certainly should not be
> deleted, nor should it be moved anywhere obscure.
Oh, I see. There was actually some very good documention in the file 
itself. :)

As a general rule, I think the build system should build all tools that 
is actively used, even if not so frequent, to avoid bit rot. In this 
case, we could for instance let configure detect the presence of the 
DirectX SDK, and if present, compile and run the D3DShaderGen tool. This 
will increase the likelyhood that the tool is actually working when 
needed, and that the generated header file is kept up to date.

> So, yes, decisions on most of these need to be jointly discussed and 
> reviewed
> although some may be better 'owned' by 2d and some by build.

I moved all the bugs but one (that is pure makefile logic) to 
client-libs/2d. I hope that is the correct sub-component.


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