[9] RFR 8038436: Re-examine the mechanism to determine available localedata and cldrdata

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Aug 29 13:29:00 UTC 2014

On 28/08/2014 19:34, Naoto Sato wrote:
> Thank you, Mandy, Masayoshi, and Alan for your comments. I revised the 
> changes based on your suggestions as follows:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8038436/webrev.4/
> Here are the changes since webrev.3
> - CLDRLocaleProviderAdapter.java: modified to throw 
> UnsupportedOperationException with the actual exception set to its 
> "cause." More descriptive comment on it.
> - *ProviderImpl.java: Removed changes to them. Initial thought was to 
> make them performant by changing the langtags to static, but it turned 
> out that wasn't necessary.
> - JREENLocaleDataMetaInfo.java/JRENonENLocaleDataMetaInfo.java: 
> Renamed to EnLocaleDataMetaInfo and NonEnLocaleDataMetaInfo 
> respectively for readability. String constants are wrapped for 
> readability as well. Used getOrDefault() for getSupportedLocaleString().
> - Added test cases for SecurityException and JRE's supported locales 
> for each service.
> I'd appreciate it if someone in the build-dev could review the 
> makefile changes.
I looked through the updated webrev and it looks much better (and much 
easier to review too).

I assume CLDRLocaleProviderAdapter.metaInfo should be final.

I'm still not sure about CLDRLocaleProviderAdapter throwing UOE when 
iterating over the installed LocaleDataMetaInfo implementations fail. It 
almost feels like it should be an InternalError as it could only mean 
something wrong with the JDK code or something broken in the JDK 
installation. I have the same concern in 
JRELocaleProviderAdapter.createSupportedLocaleString where it would be 
even more difficult to diagnose why non-English locales appear to be 

Typo in JRELocaleProviderAdapter, installede -> installed.

I see Mandy has pointed out the location of the services configuration 
files, it would be good to check into that.

Otherwise I think this looks reasonable, you've addressed the comments I 
had in the original webrev.


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