RFR [JEP 220] Modular Run-Time Images - compact profiles footprint

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sat Dec 6 11:28:07 UTC 2014

On 05/12/2014 17:57, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> On 04.12.2014 20:11, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> We've now moved to world where the runtime images are created from a 
>> set of modules and this should give a lot of flexibility once. We're 
>> just not there yet with locale data so we have to temporarily link in 
>> the big jdk.localedata module so that the profiles images have all 
>> locales.
> Just curious, how will we track the size of modules? Probably we can 
> save this information during the build time, so regressions will be 
> found easily?
Once we are a bit further then I expect we will generate a directory of 
modules, format TBD. This will be important to have when creating images 
outside of the JDK build environment, say a custom image with your 
application, some libraries and their transitive dependences. That might 
be the time to track the size, although it would really be just an 
indication, it may be very different when linked in to the eventual 
image (due to compression and other transformations that might happen at 
link time).


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