[8] WXP fixes to avoid warning when compiling SA files
Staffan Larsen
staffan.larsen at oracle.com
Wed Jan 8 14:32:02 UTC 2014
To be honest (and because I’m lazy), it’s a bit more work to push this to jdk7u than I am willing to spend. There isn’t a lot of activity in jdk7u any more and you shouldn’t expect much to be changed there. Most of the activity now is in jdk9.
On 21 dec 2013, at 18:09, Francis ANDRE <francis.andre.kampbell at orange.fr> wrote:
> Staffan
> By the way, I am working on the jdk7u... Could you also take in charge the backport to the jdk7u?
> Francis
> Le 09/12/2013 13:25, Staffan Larsen a écrit :
>> This change looks good to me.
>> I have created https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8029798 for this change, and I can sponsor it. There are currently no open repos for low-priority hotspot changes so I will have to wait before pushing the change.
>> /Staffan
>> On 7 dec 2013, at 18:25, Francis ANDRE <francis.andre.kampbell at orange.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Compiling SA files leads to warning because of old or invalid options as below
>>> set INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\include
>>> C:\progra~1\micros~2.0\vc\bin\cl.exe @C:\cygwin\tmp\nmE2.tmp
>>> clÿ: Ligne de commande warning D9035ÿ: l'option 'GZ' est d‚conseill‚e et sera supprim‚e dans une version ult‚rieure
>>> clÿ: Ligne de commande warning D9036ÿ: utilisez 'RTC1' … la place de 'GZ'
>>> clÿ: Ligne de commande warning D9035ÿ: l'option 'o' est d‚conseill‚e et sera supprim‚e dans une version ult‚rieure
>>> clÿ: Ligne de commande warning D9002ÿ: option '-YX' inconnue ignor‚e
>>> clÿ: Ligne de commande warning D9030ÿ: '/Gm' incompatible avec le multitraitementÿ; commutateur /MP ignor‚
>>> sadis.c
>>> Here the diff
>>> diff --git a/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make b/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make
>>> --- a/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make
>>> +++ b/make/windows/makefiles/sa.make
>>> @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
>>> SA_LD_FLAGS = bufferoverflowU.lib
>>> !endif
>>> !else
>>> -SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 -Gm $(GX_OPTION) -Od -D "WIN32" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D "_MBCS" -YX
>>> -FD -GZ -c
>>> +SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 $(GX_OPTION) -Od -D "WIN32" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D "_MBCS" -FD -RT
>>> C1 -c
>>> !if "$(ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS)" == "1"
>>> !endif
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