Code review request: 8031372 JDK 9 Specification-Version in jar files is still 1.8

Bradford Wetmore bradford.wetmore at
Thu Jan 9 22:37:10 UTC 2014

On 1/9/2014 12:34 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 09/01/2014 08:07, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

> As an aside, I think we should strike while the iron is hot and get the
> changes required to move major versions written down somewhere (maybe
> checked into the forest). I see Joe has updated the JDK_MINOR_VERSION,
> there was change required to jtreg, and probably a few other changes
> that. Having these tasks captured somewhere might make it easier the
> next time.

Agreed.  See below.

And Erik/Mark wrote:
 >> For the future, is there a reason for not automatically generating the
 >> "specification-version" based on the version numbers we have, or at
 >> least move the definition of it to the version numbers file?

 > Excellent question.  We should try to minimize the number of places
 > where version numbers need to be changed.

Just in case this suggestion gets forgotten, earlier this week, I added 
a few notes/links to JDK-8029942, the JDK 10 equivalent for JDK-8000962.

     JDK-8029942: Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 10
     JDK-8000962: Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 9

If someone feels like including the bugid for JTREG changes, feel free 
to add it.  If so, then we might want to change the synopsis to a more 
general "Update build version values to JDK 10" instead of "Update 


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