RFR: 8030681 : (s) add "serve" command and --quiet and --verbose options to hgforest

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Thu Mar 20 01:51:33 UTC 2014

Hello all;

This is a patch which adds support for the "serve" command to hgforest as well as providing --quiet and --verbose options.

The serve command is particularly useful for sharing repos with virtual machines used for building/testing. Using "serve" is generally faster and has fewer problems than using shared filesystems (let me tell you! I if I have to delete one more .hg/store/lock file... Well, you don't want to know what would happen!)



This issue was originally created for another purpose, "--subrepo", that is being deferred to a future issue. Changes to hgforest to support the "trees" extension are likely coming and I wanted to get these changes out of the way before other hgforest changes complicate things.



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