jdk8-b73 & nashorn

Dave Pointon pointo1d at gmail.com
Wed May 7 18:35:48 UTC 2014

Hmmm, it was indeed originated as a new clone immediately followed by an
'update -r jdk8-b73' to take it back to the previous level, or so I thought.

You can probably tell that I was under the impression that the commands
'clone -r level' and 'clone && update -r level' were equivalent ...
self-evidently not.

Very many thanx for your forebearance in being a sounding board.

Dave Pointon FIAP MBCS

Now I saw, tho' too late, the folly of beginning a work before we count the
cost and before we we judge rightly of our strength to go thro' with it -
Robinson Crusoe

On 7 May 2014 19:29, David Katleman <david.katleman at oracle.com> wrote:

> On 5/7/2014 11:18 AM, Dave Pointon wrote:
>  ... having said that though, with the benefit of a little hindsight and
> the application of not a little CM common sense, isn't there a shortfall in
> Mercurial in as much as I would expect an update to b73 to remove nashorn
> as a sub-repo from the forest since it wasn't present when the tag was
> created ... or is it me ?
> Update to b73 implies you are coming from an earlier build of the JDK 8
> forest, where nashorn also does not exist as well.   Mercurial doesn't know
> of nashorn's existence yet.
> If you have a later build of the JDK 8 forest, you are better off with a
> new clone, rather than expecting mercurial will downgrade your repos.    I
> would not want mecurial removing my new repos I've just created within my
> forest, if I happen to do a pull from a forest that didn't have my new
> repo.
>         Dave
>  --
> Dave Pointon FIAP MBCS
> Now I saw, tho' too late, the folly of beginning a work before we count
> the cost and before we we judge rightly of our strength to go thro' with it
> - Robinson Crusoe
> On 7 May 2014 19:00, Dave Pointon <pointo1d at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Thanx for the fast response, Dave - reply duly noted and indeed
>> promulgated :-)
>>  Thanx again ,
>>  --
>> Dave Pointon FIAP MBCS
>> Now I saw, tho' too late, the folly of beginning a work before we count
>> the cost and before we we judge rightly of our strength to go thro' with it
>> - Robinson Crusoe
>> On 7 May 2014 18:57, David Katleman <david.katleman at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> On 5/7/2014 10:18 AM, Dave Pointon wrote:
>>>> Greetings fellow builders ,
>>>> I have a question, as the subject suggests, regarding the version of the
>>>> nashorn repo - specifically, one of my current tasks is to attempt to
>>>> build
>>>> OJDK level jdk8-b73 but I can't find that level/tag in the nashorn repo.
>>>> Is there a usual or even standard, method used in OJDK to establish the
>>>> appropriate level of sub-repos ?
>>> nashorn wasn't added to JDK 8 until about b82, so earlier tags wouldn't
>>> be there.
>>> Looks like the creator of nashorn did add some older tags to the repo to
>>> help out in situations like this, but b73 was omitted
>>> In this case, you could use jdk8-b69, and you would get the same as what
>>> you would get for b73, which is nothing, since nashorn was still empty.
>>> Thanks
>>>         Dave

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