xcodebuild necessary on Mac?

David DeHaven david.dehaven at oracle.com
Wed May 28 15:43:57 UTC 2014

> I just installed a brand new Mavericks and go straight to 'bash configure' for jdk9/dev. A dialog pops out asking me to choose between installing Xcode and downloading command line tools. I choose the latter and after they are installed I run configure again, and it shows
>  Failed to determine Xcode version.

This looks like a bug. How did you run configure?

> Looking into common/autoconf/toolchain.m4 and it's running xcodebuild to find out the version. Since this is Mavericks I think it should be 5. So I write my own xcodebuild that shows itself as Xcode 5 and configure passed.
> And the build runs fine (after installing XQuartz).

You no longer need XQuartz:

> So why is xcodebuild necessary? What must I install Xcode to build openjdk? I can see 'gcc --version' showing 'LLVM' and '5.1' words also.

xcodebuild is used to find components that are necessary to build. GCC is no longer installed with Xcode, they switched to clang, which is why we need to determine what version of Xcode is installed.


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