xcodebuild necessary on Mac?

Henry Jen henry.jen at oracle.com
Thu May 29 15:49:41 UTC 2014

On 05/28/2014 09:32 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
> On May 29, 2014, at 12:19, Henry Jen <henry.jen at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 05/28/2014 07:15 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
>>> On the other hand, it looks like xcodebuild is not always installed.
>> IIRC, this is what trigger the dialog ask what do you want to install. Can you find out where is your xcodebuild located and what does it return with xcodebuild -version?
> It is a clean install of Mavericks before I run the first configure, so I am OK with the dialog. The dialog offers two options: one is install Xcode, one is download and install compilers. (I cannot remember the exact words). I chose the latter because I don't need an IDE. It seems this option installs the compiler and tools like make but has not included xcodebuild. This is why I see the error message in my second configure run.
> As I said, I created my own fake xcodebuild to tell the configure (3rd run) it's Xcode 5, configure happily accepts it this time, and then the build goes fine. That seems to show xcodebuild is not necessary and Xcode is not necessary.

Sorry it was not clear, what I meant is that xcodebuild call is what 
triggered the installation dialog, meaning there was a placeholder for 

What I would like to confirm is after you install command line tools, is 
there a xcodebuild somewhere? From your situation, I guess the answer is NO.


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