xcodebuild necessary on Mac?

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Fri May 30 01:28:03 UTC 2014

On 5/29/2014 23:56, David DeHaven wrote:
>>> On the other hand, it looks like xcodebuild is not always installed.
>> IIRC, this is what trigger the dialog ask what do you want to install. Can you find out where is your xcodebuild located and what does it return with xcodebuild -version?
> Apple installs stub binaries in /usr/bin, this exec's the real xcodebuild from the currently selected version of Xcode. If no copy of Xcode is installed it triggers the "You need to install Xcode" user experience. Apparently there's an option to only install the command line tools, I didn't know about that.

It's the rightmost button in the dialog prompt.

> I'm curious if only installing the CL tools also installs at least one OS X SDK. If it doesn't then it's not terribly useful, except for maybe porting/building Unix command line tools.

Well, I guess it did. At least jdk9 builds successfully. My new 
Mavericks is installed on the 2nd disk of my Mac Mini. I guess it 
shouldn't see the old SDK on the 1st disk. Right?

Where is the SDK located? /System/Library/Frameworks? They are quite 
some frameworks there.


> -DrD-

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