xcodebuild necessary on Mac?

David DeHaven david.dehaven at oracle.com
Sat May 31 02:26:23 UTC 2014

>>>>>> run this:
>>>>>> $ find /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools -name '*.sdk'
>>>>> Nothing.
>>>> I tried this again. The command line installation creates:
>>>> 1. /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
>>>> 2. /usr/include
>>>> 3. Many many /System/Library/Frameworks/.../Headers
>>>> 4. Some examples and documentation
>>> That's what I suspected. I'll have to rethink my patch for 8043340 a bit as I see no reason we can't support this for OpenJDK.
>> One more test for you:
>> $ xcode-select --print-path
> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

Well at least xcode-select works...

I think I just need to make space on my system for a 10.9 VM so I can play with this directly :/


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