
Ivan Krylov ivan at
Fri Nov 14 18:12:55 UTC 2014

Are you looking at just the hotspot builds within VS or entire JDK?
I am not sure that the VS makes a great java editor, so I've only looked 
at the hotspot part.
Previously hotspot had a VS project generator and even though it would 
generate VS2010 projects - those would be fine within VS2010.
Typically the only changes needed is the modification of compile/linker 
version in a sanity checker.


On 14/11/2014 01:56, Wang Weijun wrote:
>> On Nov 13, 2014, at 21:48, Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bursie at> wrote:
>> My guess is that the Visual Studio detection code in common/autoconf needs updating to locate the tools.
> Looks like vs2013 is not supported yet. If as Microsoft described the community version is full-featured it should be equivalent to vs2013.
> --Max

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