Change JDK-8044480 breaks OpenJDK builds which bundle other libraries

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Mon Oct 27 16:33:25 UTC 2014

Hello Volker,

I very much doubt that JDK-8044480 had anything to do with this. It only 
touched Bundles.gmk which is only used on Macosx. There was a change 
recently to how freetype is copied:

The bug wanted to fix the lack of an "$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)" line in the 
recipe. I recommended replacing the copy with an $(install-file) 
instead. It seems that wasn't a good idea in this case as install-file 
is set to preserve symlinks. To fix your problem, simply replace 
$(install-file) with mkdir and explicit cp, with follow symlinks, and a 
comment describing why install-file can't be used.


On 2014-10-27 17:08, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi,
> your change for "JDK-8044480: JDK image target overwrites
> lib/server/libjsig.dylib symlink with a copy of lib/libjsig.dylib"
> breaks our OpenJDK builds on Solaris. The problem is that because on
> Solaris "freetype" isn't installed by default on every machine we have
> manually build a version of freetype for Solaris into a shared
> directory and use that one for our builds.
> The lib-directory of a vanilly freetype build looks as follows (which
> is not unusual):
> $ ls -la freetype/lib/
> total 1536
> drwxr-xr-x   2 d046063  cproj       4096 Apr 26  2013 .
> drwxr-xr-x   4 d046063  cproj       4096 Apr 26  2013 ..
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 d046063  cproj         20 Apr 26  2013
> ->
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 d046063  cproj         20 Apr 26  2013
> ->
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 d046063  cproj     773448 Apr 26  2013
> When using "--with-freetype" this will automatically enable
> "freetype-bundling" and this in turn will require to copy the freetype
> libraries into the image during the build. Unfortunately, after change
> JDK-8044480, this will now only copy the corresponding symlink which
> meaningless in the jdk-directory and leads to a subsequent build error
> later on:
> gmake[3]: *** No rule to make target
> `/net/',
> needed by `/net/'.
> Stop.
> The same problem may also apply to other bundled libraries like zlib,
> png, jpeg, etc..
> Do you have any idea how we could solve this problem? Or the other way
> round - do you see a possibility how to fix "JDK-8044480: JDK image
> target overwrites lib/server/libjsig.dylib symlink with a copy of
> lib/libjsig.dylib" without affecting the bundling of third part
> libraries?
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker

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