RFR (XS) 8033946 - Hotspot build should ignore "ide" folder

Gerard Ziemski gerard.ziemski at oracle.com
Thu Sep 4 17:59:06 UTC 2014

hi Karen,

The Xcode project is just to build hotspot libs, which it then combines 
with all the other JDK libs and jars built beforehand using command 
line, to create a complete JDK build that can be ran using Xcode for 
live debugging hotspot.

I have made a deliberate decision, which may have not been the right 
one, to put the project inside the hotspot folder, so that one can have 
multiple jdks and Xcode projects at the same time and tightly coupled. A 
long term vision here is that eventually we may consider providing 
officially supported projects for modern IDE that build hotspot to the 
developer community - a "jdk/hotspot/ide" location seemed like a logical 
choice for storing project that is supposed to go along with hotspot.


On 9/4/2014 12:21 PM, Karen Kinnear wrote:
> Gerard,
> I'm a bit confused  - if you have an ide to build the entire jdk - what happens?
> I was a bit surprised to see a hotspot specific change?
> Also - can't you store your favorite IDE project outside of the repository?
> thanks,
> Karen
> On Sep 4, 2014, at 12:45 PM, Gerard Ziemski wrote:
>> hi all,
>> Please review a very small fix that makes hotspot build ignore "ide" folder, which is where local users can store their own favorite IDE projects.
>> For those interested, I have an Xcode project for JDK8 and JDK9 that I am personally actively supporting and using, which is hosted at https://orahub.oraclecorp.com/gerard.ziemski/xcode that is meant to be put in "jdk/hotspot/ide" folder.
>> Summary of fix:
>> Exclude "ide" folder from the makefile that searches for hotspot src files, or otherwise make bails out complaining that it does not know how to handle Xcode project files.
>> Testing:
>> Passes local build on Mac OS X
>> References:
>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8033946
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gziemski/8033946_rev0/
>> Thank you!

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