[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: 8056213 : Clean up unix/native/common/sun/awt

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Sep 10 20:28:10 UTC 2014

I now see InitIDs.m defines  more stubs than initIDs.c since
1) some stubs for xawt are instead defined in XToolkit.c
2) some xawt cases (eg Button) have more than an empty stub - actual 
3) Some aren't defined at all in the case you have headless awt but
they can't be reached because of checks in the classes for headless

So I'll leave the OS X files alone


On 09/10/2014 12:37 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> > That means that instead of having to add even more excludes, you can 
> delete some existing
> Doing that leaves just this one :-
> ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), macosx)
>   LIBAWT_EXFILES += initIDs.c sun/awt/image/cvutils/img_colors.c
> endif
> So its actually excluded from the core libawt on OS X.
> It seems that instead they are defined there in libawt_lwawt
> in a file initIDs.m
> This might be necessary if they do something but it seems
> they are the same stubs used elsewhere and initIDs.h is no
> more than a GPL header with no content !
> Its going to be a bit more work and testing but it seems like we could
> scrap the lwawt Objectionable C versions and just used the
> shared one.
> I don't believe the mapfiles are used on OSX (there isn't
> even a map file directory for lwawt) so it hasn't
> mattered that they were in a different DLL, so long as they
> were loaded in time.
> -phil.
> On 09/10/2014 01:12 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>> On 2014-09-09 23:17, Phil Race wrote:
>>> After looking at the issues in the bug report below I think the only
>>> think that must be fixed is the unnecessary inclusion of initIDS.c 
>>> in libawt_xawt.so
>> You are correct indeed. I had missed the fact that awt_Font.c, 
>> fontpath.c and X11Color.c was included in libawt_headless. :-(
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8056213
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8056213/
>> Since initIDs.c are now only used in a single library, I think it is 
>> better to move it away from the "common" directory, into 
>> src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt/sun/awt where it will get picked 
>> up automatically, but just for libawt. That means that instead of 
>> having to add even more excludes, you can delete some existing, like 
>> this:
>> diff --git a/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk b/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk
>> --- a/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk
>> +++ b/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk
>> @@ -748,7 +748,6 @@
>> -I$(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.desktop/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_API_DIR)/native/libsunwjdga/ 
>> \
>>          $(LIBJAVA_HEADER_FLAGS) \
>>          #
>>      ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), solaris)
>> @@ -761,7 +760,6 @@
>>          LIBRARY := awt_headless, \
>>          SRC := $(LIBAWT_HEADLESS_DIRS), \
>>          LANG := C, \
>>          OPTIMIZATION := LOW, \
>> @@ -932,7 +930,7 @@
>>        #
>> -  LIBAWT_LWAWT_EXFILES := fontpath.c awt_Font.c X11Color.c initIDs.c
>> +  LIBAWT_LWAWT_EXFILES := fontpath.c awt_Font.c X11Color.c
>> $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/sun/awt/medialib
>>    $(eval $(call SetupNativeCompilation,BUILD_LIBAWT_LWAWT, \
>> /Magnus

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